Wow! What a week it has been. I really didn't have any expectations of this year's spring break other than having a lot of fun, making some new friends even if it would only be temporary, and get to know my teammates better. I did all that and more. Between the quotes, dances, laughs, snap-chats, nights out, singing, games and beer I believe I experience a true (but sadly last) spring break as a college student! All is thanks to Jamie and EWR teammates that came on the trip. It wouldn't have been the same without all of them: Tubs, Catherine, Megs "Trampstamp", Hogan, Cash, Koala, BGraham, BMoore, Ruddster, Schmidty, Tiny, Cherrell, Mo, Anna, Smurf, Urs, and Arny.
Playing some rugby on the beach the night we arrived
Our neighbors downstairs were also a big part of the less drama more fun aspect of the trip at least for many of us that had been to Myrtle the year before. A bunch of guys and gals from CT who decided to come to Myrtle Beach on a week in late March that just so happened to fall on our week spring break. Despite some of the unfortunately events that happened towards the very end of the week - cops raided the house and made both renters pour all the alcohol out - we loved hanging out with each other and learning new phrases, games and stories about the New Englanders' culture.
The biggest setback of the whole week was the weather. It was unfortunately that this particular week remained windy and rainy for a good portion of the daytime. What was worse was my stupidity - rather a mixture of stubbornness and pure laziness - to wear flip flops on the first few adventures outside, the first and turns out to be the most painful walks was that to Dunkin Donuts on top of a late afternoon stroll on the beach the same day. Bad bad BAD idea! It would've been one thing if I had brought my sandals that are intended for more that moderate-level walking distances. And you who've thought I would've learned my lesson earlier this week when huge blisters appeared on the bottoms of my feet. But no I continued to "brave" (aka be stupid) trying to walk in my Old Navy cheapo flip flops smaller distances (8-12 looooong blocks here and there) and on Tuesday evening I mustered the ultimate level of dumb wearing my brown 1 1/2" heels to Senor Frog's - yep a night club.

First walk to Dunkin
Hmmm...ice cream place a few blocks away? Maybe come back later
Still walking to Dunkin...turned out to be 2 1/2 miles away
Walk back from Dunkin on the beach
Staying on the cheap buying food in the beginning of the week served me well. I don't think I spent more than $90 max on food/booze. On top of a beach merch towel ($14), cost of the cottage (around $85), a few nights out ($20) and gas (probably $30 once split) I don't think I spent more than $250 for the whole trip which was entirely within my budget. YAY me!
Making our first communal dinner as a team :)
Happy Birthday Megs!

It was really great to see part of a sunrise this morning, the last morning we were at Myrtle. The beach was full of life between the walkers, seagulls, and rolling waves. The air was so crisp and even the moon was still peeking from the then sunlit sky. Being the earliest one to get up out of the 14 girls I had the chance to relax a bit before everyone started to run around packing up. The ride back was painless with the exception of coming to the realization that I would have so much work to catch up with. Not to mention the recurring hunt for jobs/fellowships/internships in the near future. But for right now I'm going to take it all in an reflect on what a nice, relaxing and fun-filled break its been so far.
Thanks EWR!