As tradition would call Elon's Luminary Celebration was held the Thursday, November 29th. It was a great way to divert my brain from all-things Senior Sem. I met up with Dionne and Lindsay to hang out a bit. It was pretty disappointing that Elon has not stayed cold as in years past. This year instead of feeling better with sips of hot cocoa I reeked at the thought. It was so warm! ICK
On Saturday night I went to my first and probably last :( Elon basketball game. If it weren't for Alice I probably would've never pushed myself to go but I'm so happy I did. I mean the EU fans can get ridiculously annoying (yelling all sorts of ill-mannered stuff directed to the opposing team), however, I did have a good time watching the game. It encouraged me to keep on track with college bball and regular NBA games. *So happy the NY Knicks won against the Brooklyn Nets this past Tuesday evening 100-97 WOOT WOOT!!!
Phoenix Fanatics are pretty intense: exhibit the pic above of the three red suits
(check out the website HERE)
I was so happy when all of my classes were finally over on Tuesday, December 4th especially after what I thought was a horribly boring senior thesis presentation. Knowing this is my last year to do anything and everything I've ever wanted to do at Elon I decided to get all dressed up and go to President Leo Lambert's "house" for his Christmas shindig. However, having never done this before I was shocked (yet not too surprised once I thought about it) at how long the lines were to get on the shuttle buses to the Maynard House. We waited in line at Moseley for close to an hour. The time in between I saw some of my rugger buds come and go. A lot of people decided it wasn't worth waiting so long for food.
Wednesday was "Reading Day" aka go out the night before and get f@%#ed up. I did not go out but the next morning when my scum captain picked me up I thoroughly enjoyed the ride over to the new apts at College Station for the rugby exec elections. We picked up our back-line captain, Schmidty, at the baseball house and lo and behold she was wearing her outfit from the night before. It was so amusing watching the reactions as we walked into BGraham's apt.
My friends Dionne, Jamile and Lindsay
The last very fun thing I did during finals week was celebrate Courtney's 20th birthday at La Cocina in the dodgy side of Burlington. It was an experience to be had especially driving as the leader of the birthday caravan after a failed attempt to go to the La Cocina closest to campus. We ended up turning around and meeting the rest of the caravan at the second location. Can I just say how AWESOME chips and queso sauce is? Oh of course when you spill water in it...hehm Jamie. Oh and thanks Natie for the wonderful speech on Courtney's behalf. Hope it was fun for her!
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