Outside the apt
I wasn't the only one. After the women's basketball game the brick pathways were filled with students. For the most part people were excited about it with the exception of a few who complained on-site. No bother to me. I was so chipper I danced part of the way home with my huge IKEA umbrella. It was fun and reminded me how the littlest things like walking through the first snowfall makes you feel so happy and childlike. Before it started I decided to walk to Lindner (across campus from my apt) for my Burst the Bubble Hip Hop class thinking, "oh, it might end up snowing while I'm in class. That will be nice. I'll get to feel a slight chill on my face." Yeah I'm that weird but really don't you love that feeling? It reminds me of the only time of year always designated towards spending moments with loved ones like at Thanksgiving leading into December, the start of the winter & Christmas season.
Trollinger House...oh how pretty
The unfinished Moseley extension
Friday morning before most of the snow was already melted I walked to the Moseley to get a package and go to the Lindner to study. As I walked from my apt to central campus I took some snapshots of the area covered in white. I passed a few snowmen and a snow family, a lot of footprints and trees decorated with flakes. I also took a few photos of objects I thought were interesting that you can see below.

Snowy footprints
First buds of pre-spring season
Some of my friends were happy about the snow specifically because they were so hopeful that classes would be canceled. What they don't realize is we already get MLK day off so it wouldn't be in the best interest of the school to give us an extra day. Its winter term, we only have 3 weeks of class anyway! Although they didn't get completely off the hook students who had 830am classes got to sleep in another hour or two on Friday thanks to Smitty J's announcement of a delayed opening schedule. But most students, even in my 130pm class, skipped. I went to class having no reason to not come to class and I was glad I did. We presented ads to the class and talked about what we thought these images/videos meant, what they say to mass audiences and how they are relevant to the text/topics we discuss in class.
Friday night I went out to La Fiesta for dinner with the girls and had a jumbo margarita. It was delicious, the food not so much but it was nice to get out. We also made a trip out to the liquor store and found some interesting bottles like the one to the right.
Saturday was a chill day waking up around 1130am. Made pancakes and eggs for brunch, went to the gym later with my girlfriends and attempted to play racketball. Later I went to the Alumni gym for a Mellow Mushroom coupon as a promotion to come see the Elon Men's Basketball team play Wofford. I watched with my rugby teammates Rachel and Courtney. It was a very close game but in the end Elon won 68-61. Afterwards Courtney and I went to Kangaroo for some freakin awesome coffee. As I walked home I debated whether or not to go out clubbing since I hadn't eaten dinner yet and was kinda not feeling the club scene.
I ended up going out to Greensboro to a club called Allure. It seemed to have potential but I should've known when I asked the bouncer about the DJ and he said he was new would be a problem. He had potential in the beginning playing throwbacks and old school hip hop but eventually as the night wore on so did our boredom. HOWEVER, I will never forget our experience. I have been to clubs in other cities in the US and I've been to clubs all over the world and NEVER have I seen a ton of guys on the dancefloor groovin to the music, singing the music and waiting there for women to dance with them. In my experience its the opposite: the women dancing and guys come up after there are enough women on the floor to "choose" from. Like I told my girlfriends their looking for the right "meat." I will forever be grateful to Allure for exposing me to something completely different.
Today, Sunday, is another chill day. I ate pancakes and eggs again and did a load of laundry. Later I watched Silver Lining Playbook which was awesome! Now I'm debating when to go to the gym today even though my calves are in pain from the stairs exercise I did yesterday. Also I'm still not sure when or if I should do my readings for class today instead of tomorrow since I have an extra day off. I can't complain life is good :)
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