Monday, February 18, 2013

Vaginas, Applying for Jobs, Tackles, Snow, Music, and oh so much more

Pew! What a week its been. I am starting to understand perfectly what my advisor meant last semester when he said "you think fall semester is breezing by just wait until spring. It'll be gone in before you know it." Its true and I've only been back to school for a little over two weeks. I don't have a full schedule and yet I feel so busy and chaotic...there are no brakes from here on in. Time to be in the passenger seat has come and gone. All systems go!

Another element that made this particular week so ridiculously hectic was dress rehearsals for the Vagina Monologues. Each year since my freshman year at Elon Performing Arts majors have taken it upon themselves to direct and produce V-Monologues. The great part of the whole process is that this is one of the few shows at Elon that is fairly open to non-majors and often has more "actors" that are non-majors perform a monologue. Although I didn't get a monologue I was offered the role as Narrator 1. I was pretty sure that the narrators wouldn't be so important but I was SO wrong. Lyndsay Burch, the director, wanted to do things differently, more theatrical. With that she wanted the narrators on-stage the whole performance in front of these three square pieces of wood draped in red & pink cloth. 

As it turns out the narration was the hardest part of the show. Not only were we on-stage the whole hour+ running time of the show but we had dialogue among each other that was very fast-paced, required super energy and risk AND we had to remember intros for the monologues - all different lengths, styles, occurring at different times throughout the show. All in all the two performances on Valentines Day were the best and it was really great working with such a strong group of women. Be sure to check out Eve Ensler's (the author of the show) amazing charity to empower women and raise awareness to the injustices against women called 1 Billion Rising (link HERE). 

The Vagina Monologues cast and crew 2013

Oh and so I also applied for a job this week too. I was so worried about writing a cover letter and fixing my resume while trying to keep myself engaged, alert and energized for classes and the rehearsals. Meeting with Pam in the Career Center was helpful to ease my anxiety but the whole week I felt like I was scrambling. I applied for the Development Coordinator position at the League of Women Voters in D.C. Its a job I would LOVE to have and an organization I truly admire so fingers crossed. 

In addition to the craziness going on during the week EWR (Elon Women's Rugby) had a very early rise to head out for our game in Charlotte. Of course Saturday the day of our game and day of traveling almost the entire state of NC had an advisory report for snow. I will admit that the entire time we were outside at the pitch in Charlotte it was pretty chilly, however, I would never mind being cold over being hot. We played a really great game against a pretty intimidating team - big girls. It was a historical game too being that our scrum captain, Jamie, made a tri (goal) and one of our backline players subbed as a scrum prop and did a phenomenal job - YAY Smurf! Afterwards one of our teammates, Steph and her parents organized a lunch on them for the entire team. We went to a really nice sports-bar type restaurant. The food was amazing as you can see below!

Tipsy and Smurf warming their butts by the fire

The other end of the table 
 From left to right: Backline players Natie, Sam, Koala, and BGraham

 Natie's awesome Cobb salad and mac & cheese side
My delicious BB's Cheddar, Bacon Burger with sweet potato fries and this REALLY
interesting and sweet marshmallow dipping sauce :)

I drove the EWR van back to campus only to find it was pretty snowy at Elon moreso than the whole time we were in Charlotte. After dropping the girls off at the parking lot by the practice field Tipsy and I snapped a few photos of campus in the snow. 

As if my day hadn't been long enough, I had another engagement to go to later in the evening. Instead of working on some things for Monday classes I decided to take a nap for 1 1/2hrs before my friend and I trekked out into the snow to Raleigh to see The Dirty Heads. It was extremely difficult to get out of bed but worth going to the show. The Lincoln Theater is a great venue that I only wish I knew about years before now. I realize how out-of-the-loop I am when it comes to venues in NC which makes me want to investigate more before I graduate. On another blog dedicated to music reviews/show reviews I go into detail about the show, the acts, the atmosphere, and suggested material. Check it out: Cat's Muse

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