Thursday, July 19, 2012

Wastin Away Again in Margaritavile...

I know I'm slower posting than I was in the spring, however, I wanted to mention the great time I had with my other gal pal from DC Ms. Jay when she came to stay with me the week of July 4th. She lives in DC and right after the wicked storm that left millions out of power and homeless Jay needed an escape. Welcome to Jersey! She stayed with my mom and I for a few days. We had a great time relaxing, going down to Liberty State Park to see the 9/11 memorial, drinking sangria at The Iron Monkey and much much more. Thanks for a grand time Jay, I hope to repeat sometime after you get settled in St. Louis. 

Some pics of the vacation:

Jay needed to hitch a bus ride in NYC via Port Authority but we left waaay early and had enough time to browse. We walk towards MSG and hit up a cheap pizza joint on 8th Ave. After a bite we kept walking until we got to 34th St. I had suggested she check out some of the shopping in that area for her friend who was having a b-day party the next day. We were so lucky to meet The Stone Writer. Homegirl from Jersey is an artist who craves words/phrases out of sandstone and decorates with spray paint. Pretty neat stuff!

While kicking back and lounging around I have the luxury to spend any or all time drinking up a fix or two of my Momma's signature margarita recipe. In addition I made a great homemade guacamole that tasted zesty and feel like summer. I've been thinking a lot lately and yearning for some socializing that doesn't involve a tv or laptop. Fortunately I've become accustom to reading as a form of relaxation, getting outside the house and zoning out into my own creative world.

Journaling has always been my getaway but lately I've felt that writing doesn't always take my mind off of reality. However I do understand how important it is to take the time if any time on myself. For the majority of my life I have been so serious and responsible for necessary reasons but never did I once question how I acted or what I did, said. I'm finally opening up to the idea of being more selfish and caring for me than spend it all on others. So I'm "wastin away again in Margaritavile!" Thank you Jimmy Buffet

 Momma mixing the drinks

Yesterday I had a chance to take a walk and stumbled upon Riverview Park. I decided to sit, take in the atmosphere and read. I never noticed before but sitting there I realized the beauty of the NYC skyline. It was right in front of me. The best part was seeing a cruise ship ride through the Hudson. It was priceless. I need to enjoy the simple anythings much more and this was a start.

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