Monday, February 20, 2012


Yesterday was a good day spent at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and the Natural History Museum. I knew it was going to be a crappy weather day so what more perfect time to stay indoors right? Yeah that was obviously what everyone else and all their children thought too. Between a holiday weekend and it being kinda gray outside that people thought, 'let's go to the museum today.' It was so crowded that I think I have minor bruises on my arm and calf of family herds bowling into me.

Despite bodily damage, it was interesting walking around each museum. I knew my mom would've loved the Air and Space Museum because its relevance to aviation. She's always wanted to learn how to fly. So many air contraptions hanging down from the ceiling I think I was tempted to duck. I felt oh-so-small walking underneath these huge pieces.

I made a comparative analysis of New York's Natural History Museum and the one here. I think one of the most distinct similarity is the amount of dust collected on the model animals. I found that greatly annoying in the Air and Space Museum, there were videos playing footage and documentaries from decades ago. It worked perfectly with the dust and retro-look of the displays but come on people! This is Washington D.C. the country's capital! You'd think they'd get it together and revamp the place.

IMAX theater "Born to be Wild

With the original intent to go to the IMAX showing of 'Born to be Wild,' I decided to take advantage of free admission to the Natural History Museum and browse the exhibits while I wait. I snapped a cell-pic of a hanging butterfly for my Aunt since it was in honor of the "new" butterfly exhibit (Pretty sure that was in NY a long time ago). After a few hours almost falling a sleep (lack there of) I went to the mobbed cafe to get $3.25 cup of crappy coffee! Yea federal govn't paid food. I was suckered into purchasing some postcards at the gift shop. I realize once I got back to the main floor that I didn't need to cut time short seeing the film today so I changed my ticket for today, Monday, Feb 20 at 250pm. More time to get back and get pumped for boot camp (oh yea I'm feeling it today).

Fortunately my coffee date with an old Elon colleague needed to be rescheduled so I'm off the hook. I can go back to the apartment and rest? Nope not really. I wish but for the next two days I won't get much sleep. Too many things due for TWC, Elon, reading to do, internship work (very tedious). It will be fine though I'll have a four day weekend starting Wednesday night. Mommy I'm coming home!

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